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Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem. [vc_empty_space height="10px"]
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A Section 8 Registered Non Profit Organization


Himalayan Volunteer Tourism / Sharing is Caring  / A Thousand Fibers to Connect

A Thousand Fibers to Connect

A Thousand Fibers to Connect

पिबंति नद्य: स्वयंमेव नाम्भः, स्वयं न खादंति फलानि वृक्षाः ।

नादंति शस्यं खलु वारिवाहा: परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ।।

A river does not drink it’s own water, nor does a tree savour the fruit it bears, the clouds don’t enjoy the ripe grains they water, giving away is the quality of the kind and generous. A beautiful Sanskrit shlok, written thousands of years ago, holds so much value even today and even more so in the post Covid times.

I write this today, because volunteering has been at the core of my heart. There is something truly special about being able to contribute to the greater good. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life

around. The benefits of volunteerism are full circle for volunteers and the communities they serve. Volunteerism has been shown to improve a volunteer’s mood, decrease stress, and increase strength. It is a beautiful interplay of human needs and fulfilling them.

As a healthcare provider, I came across physical and mental suffering of people from a very young age. I could help some, I couldn’t help many. Almost every face, I met in my dental college needed help. With the population of our country spilling over at the edges, the Healthcare fabric of our nation remains overstretched. Slowly and steadily, I realised the gravity of the situation and decided to start from ‘somewhere ‘. The local

slums, the nearby orphanage, the nearest villages,were the places that I decided to visit first. Multiple visits to these places, helped me understand the grass root level problems in these areas and I was in a better condition to help the locals. With time I got in touch with some good NGO’s like SPIN Foundation, HASNAA Foundation, Adhiyagya and Himalayan Volunteer Tourism with whom I was able to serve better.

Oral Healthcare in India is largely ignored. India is the second largest consumer of tobacco products in the world. Tobacco related cancers are on the rise. Demographics of the disease are changing, and we are seeing much younger people being affected by it. Timely detection and treatment can save countless young lives. Awareness is the key. I did door to door campaigns, making people aware of oral health and associated issues. Over the last 7 years, I have worked in several villages across Delhi-NCR and some parts of U.P., serving thousands of villagers. Dental treatment is provided in my clinic, free of cost or on minimal charge. The satisfaction I get from doing this service is immense.

In a country like India which has a varying topography and geomorphology, there are so many far flung places that have still not been reached and access to healthcare remains limited. Reaching out and connecting is critical for people out there. Simple infections which can be easily treated often flare up and can be life threatening if treatment is not provided in time. I plan to travel to such places in the coming days so that maximum people living in remote rural areas can benefit. With good work, comes better support and purposeful results, which remains my primary aim.

Social service is a very soul satisfying journey but also a challenging one. Help might not always be available and you might find yourself at cross roads in choosing the best for yourself and everyone around. Take accountability, for it is essential in attaining your goals. Result-oriented people take responsibility for their mistakes without excuses or blaming others. They identify the problem and find vital solutions for future success while ensuring mistakes do not recur. Choose patiently and wisely. With the right moves, comes the appropriate result. Do what you feel is right and stick to your goals. As President Obama rightly said-“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” This should be everyone’s mantra who wants to look at their lives, through a different perspective. As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.

Dr. Mandakini Shukla

Consultant Dental Surgeon

Director and Head

Expert Dental Global