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A Section 8 Registered Non Profit Organization

Volunteering with HVT

Himalayan Volunteer Tourism / Volunteering with HVT

Volunteering with HVT

Making a difference in people’s lives is what motivates us to keep going. Our dedication and commitment helps change lives and make a positive difference in the world through this journey. HVT is a volunteer organization committed to connecting volunteers to host organisations and vice versa. We manage the complete process of volunteering with the sole intent of delivering an impactful social change along with a positive volunteer experience.

Service is a necessary element of volunteerism.  One question that keeps ringing in the mind of well-meaning volunteers is; what can I do in my own small way to contribute to “healing the world and making it a better place.”?

The Foundation of Volunteerism is LOVE.

|  ‘Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service.’ – Mother Teresa

To foster a collaborative and efficient atmosphere, we take every effort to manage our volunteers and volunteering programs effectively.  All our efforts are directed towards enabling volunteers to focus their efforts, as well as measure and analyse the effectiveness of those efforts.

Goals – set the goal post and align both HVT and Volunteering efforts towards achieving it
Expectations – set the expectations right both with the Volunteers & Host Organisation and keep the volunteers motivated.
Abilities – map the volunteers qualifications, experiences, skill sets, interests and hobbies to match them with the right organisation and opportunities.
Roles – define measurable roles for each volunteer. Create leadership roles for volunteers who go above and beyond their roles.
Volunteering Period – understand the time that a Volunteer can dedicate and make the best of it
Feedback – gather the volunteer insights from having worked on ground by way of surveys and feedbacks, and be proactive to show appreciation.

HVT’s Volunteer Management Process

HVT’s Guiding Principles

  • Implement proper volunteer management practices and innovative approaches to keep the volunteers positively engaged.
  • Cultivate a supportive environment to maintain a healthy volunteering life-cycle.
  • Swifty attend and address any unpleasant volunteering experiences and keep volunteer welfare and safety on priority.
  • Measure and enhance community impact.
  • Continuously engage stakeholders and the community.

Our mission is to inspire, engage, and maintain a robust volunteer workforce which can make a world of difference.

The heart, soul and strength of Himalayan Volunteer Tourism is YOU – The Volunteer.

Register As A Volunteer