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A Section 8 Registered Non Profit Organization

Environment, Sustainability and Conservation

Himalayan Volunteer Tourism / Environment, Sustainability and Conservation

Environment, Sustainability & Conservation

The rural communities in the Himalayan region are facing several challenges in the context of climate change, land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and fragmentation of natural habitats, poverty, and geographical isolation.

Rural communities depend on local geographical conditions (climate, natural resources, landscape, and geographical barriers, socioeconomic conditions, demographic features) to develop agricultural, industrial, or tourism activities as economic development pathways. As we have seen, this type of economy is volatile to natural hazards (extreme weather, flash floods, landslides, erosion, drought) and poor agricultural productivity which translates into famine, extreme poverty, land abandonment, and massive migration.

In this context, rural resilience and circular economy coupled with access to proper education are key strategic directions to further develop rural economies and reduce socioeconomic inequalities and environmental injustice. This transition from linear to circular economy could lead to new rural business opportunities based on responsible production and consumption of natural resources (organic farming, agritourism, local niche products, upcycling or creative reuse, etc.) while promoting local traditions and preserving the rural and natural landscapes.

HVT would like to promote the concept of ‘Smart Village’, with the intent to ensure energy access to remote villages as a catalyst development route for other related sectors such as clean water, sanitation, education, healthcare, and gender equity and support the local markets and democratic engagement as stipulated by Sustainable Development Goals.

Integrated Watershed Development Programmes

The main objective of HVT is to restore the ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover and water. The outcomes would include prevention of soil run-off, regeneration of natural vegetation, rain water harvesting and recharging of the ground water table. This would enable multi-cropping and the introduction of diverse agro-based activities, which will help to provide sustainable livelihoods to the people residing in the watershed area.


Rural Drinking Water Programmes

Our goal is to ensure that the basic minimum requirements of safe water for all rural household needs and cattle are met on a sustainable basis. The critical components will include: Regeneration and conservation of the resource base through roof rain water harvesting; Renovation of traditional water harvesting structures; Treatment of the recharge zones of springs, groundwater aquifers and streams; Water quality monitoring and treatment to minimize contamination and ensure potable drinking water supply and Use of renewable energy sources for pumps and higher resource use efficiencies.

Total Sanitation Campaign

Through this initiative we aim to promote rural well-being through environmentally safe disposal and utilization of rural household wastes. Improve the rural environment by converting rural household wastes to organic fertilizer, fuel and water for irrigation and groundwater recharge. And through safe disposal of human and livestock excreta and complete solid and liquid waste management.


Construction/ Upgradation of Rural Dwelling Units

In the production of building materials and the process of using them in rural construction, large amounts of raw materials including natural resources, energy and water are consumed. There is significant potential to promote the use of green building materials, construction methods and building environment-friendly designs. HVT emphasizes on substituting manufactured building materials with naturally available construction materials like mud, stones, timber or bamboo and showcase the use of low-cost, environment-friendly and disaster-safe construction technologies.

We are looking at Partners who share our vision and have the bandwidth and know-how to spearhead and build capacities in the above areas in the Himalayan region.

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